Industrial Services
Services are
our Success
FOCUSON Industrial Services, based in Graz and with several locations throughout Austria and in neighbouring countries, operates in Central Europe, the Far East and overseas, with its payroll staff of more than 350 employees and experts. We continuously develop and implement innovative ideas together with our customers and we take charge of and are responsible for the economical and efficient handling of projects. More than 350 satisfied customers from a vast array of areas in the manufacturing industry – from the automotive and supplier industry to the food industry – and commercial companies appreciate us above all for our high degree of flexibility, our fast response times and for the highly developed professional competence of our employees.
in Figures
- More than 350 employees, specialists and experts
- Up to 53 million inspected and reworked parts each year
- Project assignments right across Europe
- A comprehensive range of fields of competence
- Focal points: manufacturing companies: automotive, supplier and aircraft industry, food industry, commercial companies
- More than 350 customers: 80% in Central Europe, 20% in the Far East and overseas
Rapid andÂ
flexible Solutions
Volatile markets, digitalisation and globalisation of the economy require ever faster, more professional and more flexible working practices. With more than 20 years of expertise we can solve internal as well as external problems professionally that are an impediment to or that interrupt continuous production operations, and we can accompany you as dependable partners right across the value-added chain: From the devising of optimum processes and strategies to support during operational business – starting with quality assurance measures on the produced part, through volume production checks in the trade to intelligent project management and outsourcing solutions.